I have always admired Joe Gibbs and his stand for Christ and was hoping that our new coach would also be an outspoken Christian man. Well I thank God for bringing Jim Zorn to Washington. In a testimony that he wrote in TheGoal.com: Jim Zorn, he states . . .
"My life with Christ has shown me that His truth is more important than my circumstances. God has said in His Word, the Bible, that I am a creation of His. I have value because He created me. My self worth is based solely upon what He has said. It is not based upon what a coach or a team thinks of me and my ability. There is a treasure in that thought because if my self worth is based on my circumstances, I must live like a slave to those circumstances. But if my self worth is based on what God has said, then I am free, free to live my life knowing that He has things under control, and that I can trust Him for guidance."
Jim Zorn who, according to Bible Belt Blogger, regularly put a Bible verse on his autograph, is also active with Pro Athletes Outreach (PAO), who's vision is "To recruit and equip an army of coaches, professional athletes and their families to make a positive impact in the world for Jesus Christ."
I thank the Lord for His faithfulness and wish the best for our new coach and for the team. May the Lord get the glory!