Friday, July 03, 2015

The Power of Prayer

Today is the fourth day for the Bulgaria-Macedonia Servant Team 2015. God has answered many prayers already and I want to thank those who are lifting this ministry to our Heavenly Father. We've seen His timing, His guidance, His leading in church services. We've been blessed in Skopje, Macedonia through His Spirit and His people. We've seen Him make a way for us in unexpected ways as paperwork just "appeared" as needed at the border crossing. We've felt His presence so strongly in Stolnik, Bulgaria that it was nearly overwhelming. God is doing what God does best and He's answering prayers. To those who have been praying, THANK YOU! To those who want to be part of this work, please help on your knees. 

Much travel is ahead and the lives of many men, women, boys and girls will be imacted by God. The gentleman seen in the picture proudly lifts the Bulgarian flag. Pray for these people as God moves among them and the the churches here as they find God's will among such as this man.